Select a Cartoon Workshop from the options below:

After School Art Cartooning Classes Term 1 February 10th 2025.

Monday, February 10, 2025 - Wednesday, April 09, 2025

Shop 2, 29 Newland Street, Bondi Junction

Choose Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday
After school 3.45pm – 5pm
Starting Term 1 February Mon 10th – Ends Mon 07 April, 2025
total of (9 weeks) AUD 225.00

enquiries : email

Download Brochure

SHORT DAY CARE: (9:30am - 3:30pm)
AUD 225 per child per day

LONG DAY CARE: (8:00am - 6:00pm) or part thereof
AUD 225 per child per day

NIGHT WORKSHOP: (6:00pm - 9:00pm) or part thereof
AUD 225 per child per day

Cartoon Workshop Registration Form

Children's Information


Select the days for the Child/Children

S = Short Day, L = Long Day, N = Night
  • Child 1

  • Child 2

  • Child 3

  • Child 4

  • Child 5

Total Cost: AUD  0

To The Illustrating Man Designs Pty Limited (ABN for and on behalf of itself and all its officer(s), servants(s), assistant(s) and agent(s) now and hereafter including Danny Cohen (collectively referred to as “The Organiser”).


I/we tell you that we are of full legal capacity and are the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the child. I/we acknowledge we consent and agree on an on going basis that the Organiser only permits the child be considered for and/or to attend the activity(s) selected and incidental matters for the agreed fee in consideration of I/we irrevocably agreeing to the following conditions, namely:-

  1. The Organiser has the right to change the date, time or itinerary of the program.
  2. Where the Organiser deems it appropriate, the Organiser may refuse attendance/participation to the child.
  3. In the event that the activity is cancelled (including pursuant to condition 2.) The Illustrating Man Designs Pty Ltd (ABN will offer a refund to the paying parent(s)/guardian(s) or will agree on an alternative activity also subject to this Consent And Indemnity in full.
  4. I/we irrevocably on an ongoing basis will immediately on demand fully indemnify the Organiser (or any one or more of you) as to or arising out of any liability claim proceeding or demand (whether original or third party) for damage costs or otherwise whatsoever arising out of any injury demise loss or damage whatsoever involving any negligence breach of contract or any other breach or omission whatsoever in whole or caused or contributed to by the child or to the child or any entity claiming as a result thereof to the extent permitted in law or equity or statute.
  5. To the fullest extent permitted by law equity or statute I/we hereafter give to The Organiser (or any one or more of you) a full release waiver and discharge of any cause of action suit demand or proceeding (whether original or third party) as to or arising out of any injury demise loss or damage whatsoever whether whole or in part caused or contributed to by the child or to the child or to any entity (including me/us claiming as result thereof whether involving any negligence breach of contract or any other breach or omission whatsoever.
  6. This Consent And Indemnity binds the parties and their successors and/or assigns to the fullest extent permitted by law equity or statute.
  7. This Consent And Indemnity is governed by the law equity and statute in force from time to time in the countries of Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom & Canada.


  • All activities will be in the hall & surrounding grounds or local park.
  • Lunch: Children will need to bring lunch or can purchase noodles from the canteen.
  • Dinner: If your child/children is/are attending our night workshops, please provide them with dinner. The Canteen will also be open at the night workshops.
  • Children need to bring a bag & hat to our activities.
  • Notify staff if your child has special needs or requires medication to be administered (ie: Asthma, Allergies or ADHD).
  • We cater for children 4 to 15 years. (Juniors, Intermediates & Seniors) Except in QLD – children need to be aged 5 and older.
  • Inform staff if someone other than the guardian will be picking up your child/children.

Our staff: Our senior staff have the ‘Working with Children Checks’.The director has senior first aid training.
Sun Policy: Please provide your child/children with a hat & sunscreen to wear for our outside activities. We also have sunscreen (30+) readily available for children to use.
Signing in & out: Children must be signed in/out by a parent or guardian.

Policy on children’s belongings / lost property: All care is taken but we take no responsibility for loss or damage to belongings. At 2pm at the conclusion of our Sunday program – all lost property is donated to charity.

Parent/Guardians: May drop off their children only. They are not allowed to stay with their child/children in the hall for legal & insurance reasons. They are not allowed to stay in the hall for legal & insurance reasons. They may enter the hall to pick up their children.
Policy on late pickups: We close our service at 6.00pm unless specified. A late fee applies at the rate of $1.00 per minute paid directly to that carer at the time of pickup.
Policy on behaviour:We have the right to refuse a child if their behaviour is deemed disruptive to our program.  No refund will be offered.
Policy on cancellations & refunds:We regret that under no circumstances are we able to provide a refund in the event of cancellation or non-attendance of the child. If the absence is Covid related, the credit can be gifted to another child or held in credit for one year.

Mobile Phones/Cameras: Due to privacy laws, photographic & recording devices are prohibited from our programs. Mobile phones can be brought but must be turned off during session times.
Nuts: Nuts or foods containing nuts are strictly prohibited from our program. Sharing food: Children are not allowed to share food due to allergies, etc…
Canteen: Inexpensive confectionery, drinks & snacks will be available daily at morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea & the night programs. Noodles can also be purchased from the canteen.
Art Materials: All art & craft materials are included in the daily price.
Birthdays: If your child has a birthday during the program, please inform our staff.
Thank You: Our organisation has received a grant from the Australian Government for funding these programs.
About us: Cartoon Kingdom has 31 years of experience in educational programs & activities with children in Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, Hawaii, Malaysia, Canada & United Kingdom.